format_quote WabbaTrack is an assistant for The Elder Scroll Legends to automatically track your matches and helps you with arena draft. format_quote Watch it in Action

Arena Tier Value

Arena tier based on CVH Arena Tier list with follow conversion:

  • Terrible = 10pts
  • Poor = 20pts
  • Average = 30pts
  • Good = 50pts
  • Excellent = 70pts
  • Insane = 90pts

                    According cards picked before, a synergy list may be shown and some synergy points are added to base card value.

Deck Tracker

Attributes and Prophecies count with hit chances.



Auto Build

Floating Icon


WabbaTrack is based on image recognition, so to work appropriately some items on screen should not be covered.


  • keyboard_arrow_right Card draw accuracy because is based on Image Recognition
  • keyboard_arrow_right Need full screen resolution 2560x1440, 1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1366x768 or 1360x768.
  • keyboard_arrow_right May not work with dual monitors - WabbaTrack has now support for Dual-Monitors!
  • keyboard_arrow_right Don't support take Deck from game
  • keyboard_arrow_right Don't Track generated cards
  • keyboard_arrow_right Track ranks from 6 to legend (without number)
By Edipo2s